
Man Slaps Baby At Walmart

Police were summond to a Walmart store in Stone Mountain, Georgia August 31, after a white man reportedly walked up to a young woman and her child and slapped the 2 year old because she would not stop crying.

Acccording to Roger Stephens of Stone Mountain, GA, the child was just crying and screaming and would not shut up. He told the mother of the child, "You better shut that baby up before I shut her up for you."

Apparently the mother did not take heed to Stephen's threats as she continued to walk the aisles of Walmart with her screaming child in tow. Roger met her on another aisle, walked over to the screaming baby and proceeded to slap her several times across her face. Then he looked at the mother and said, "See, I told you I'd shut her up."

The commotion was heard by several Walmart shoppers and police were called. Roger was arrested and charged with cruelty to children in the first degree.

Wow...I just don't know what to think about that! Out of context, I actually did chuckle when I visualized what had actually transpired. Think about it, how many of us have actually thought what that man did? Although, we would never act on it, we have heard and witnessed bratty children acting out in public and thought to ourselves, she/he needs to smack that child and shut them up.

I for one, cannot stand to hear or see people's children acting bratty while in public. I feel that if you are going to bring your children out, make sure they know how to act. Make sure you have the authoritative control over your kids. I do not, however agree with nor condone what this man did.

Had it been my child he put his hands on, they would have been arresting him at the hospital after I got through whipping his butt.

The moral of this story...you can think, but just don't touch.


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